Sustainable development is the essential to conservation of the environment . Development activities are for the meeting the needs and aspiration of people. But if the environment is deteriorated the people will be affected it will make the life of people More difficult to survive .
1. Proper use of resource The sustainable development emphasises a proper use of natural resources . The proper use of minerals, drinking water, pesticides, chemical fertilizers helps to sustain the fertility of land and to produce more in the long term .
1. Proper use of resource The sustainable development emphasises a proper use of natural resources . The proper use of minerals, drinking water, pesticides, chemical fertilizers helps to sustain the fertility of land and to produce more in the long term .
2 accountability People should be oriented on the need and principles of sustainable development . It will change their attitude towards natural resources and environment . They use fish , forest products, medicine plants and mine . But they should be responsible for there conservation too.
3 public participation for the implementation of principles of sustainable development public participation is a basic ground . Public participation is helpful for the conservation of the environment . It increases the participation of local people to protect there resources4 limit of development The aspiration of people are beyond the limit. With this objectives the people conduct numerous development activities though they know that overexploitation of environmental resources is not friendly to the environment to meet their needs .The maximum use of limited resources especially nonrenewable and the other natural resources affects the environment
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